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Power Outage - EGH1 - Skylink Datacenter

07 Mars à 16:04 CET
Services affectés
☁️ — Espace Client
🚀 — Serveurs Game
🚀 — R9-GAME-01
🚀 — Base de donnée #01
🚀 — Serveurs VPS
ping 🚀 — R9-VPS-01
ping 🚀 — R9-VPS-02
ping 🚀 — R9-VPS-03
ping 🚀 — E5-VPS-01
ping 🚀 — R9-PLESK-01

07 Mars à 17:31 CET

Power has been restored and all components have been checked and your services are now operational.

Mis à jour
07 Mars à 17:15 CET

All our dedicated Ryzen are starting to be rebooted

Mis à jour
07 Mars à 16:19 CET

Power has been restored. We're checking the equipment and will report once fully resolved.

07 Mars à 16:04 CET

A power outage occurred at 4pm today. Unfortunately, the UPS did not kicked in as expected.
We're currently receiving monitoring reports about a full outage of our points of presence at Skylink Datacenter (EGH1). Datacenter operator is aware and they are looking into it. We will post an update, once we have one.